AZ Battle Zone has started Airsoft!
Ages: 10 and up!
Fridays 6pm – 11pm
2pm – 11pm
Entry: $20/$25(air)
from 2pm to 7pm
Entry:$25/$30 (air)
from 2pm to 11pm
All Night Air Fills: $5
Basic: Gun rental + 1000 rounds + Mask : $45
Elite: Gun Rental (Tracer Upgrade) +1000 Tracer rounds and Mask: $60
Private Parties Are Available Please Visit Book It Online For Prices And Availability

Azbattlezone is now offering airsoft only night games starting on Feb 17th 2023
Rec Field:
AEG: 400fps w/.20g, HPA/GAS: 325/350fps w/.20g. NO MED
Semi-auto ONLY. We will not be doing full auto, this for all fields and gameplay modes. private games will have the ability to make the decision if they want to allow full auto or not.
Tracers aren’t required but are highly encouraged.
Sniper rifles will be allowed but they fall under the same rules as aeg rifles. There will not be any additional fps allowed for sniper rifles
AEG: 350fps w/.2g, HPA/GAS: 325/350 w.20g. only .20g bb’s are allowed to be used on the speedball field. This is to protect the bunkers from damage. These are air bunkers made from nylon or vinal or something like that. The field is only 180 feet long, a .2g bb is plenty accurate over that distance. Most engagements will take place well under that anyways.
No Lasers Allowed
300 lumen limits on flashlights. You do not need a 1000 lumen flashlight to see your bb’s, that is what the tracers/tracer ammo is for. flashlights that bright are meant to blind people so they can’t see what they are shooting at. If I think the flashlight is too bright, then you will have to remove it.
Cheating will be delt with quickly. If you are caught cheating, you will be asked to leave. Blatant cheating with video proof is an immediate ban.
Full face protection required for under 18, over 18 full seal eye pro is required. Full face for over 18 is recommended but not required.
The cost will be $20 plus $5 air fee for HPA.
Friday 6pm to 11pm and Saturdays from 4pm to 11pm
$25 rental with 1000rds (Limited Rentals Available)
Private Parties Are Available Online
Field ammo is not required but we will have ammo for sale.